The excitement is helping make up for the fact that i was saddened to hear about the death of michael jackson on friday.
I remember lying in a bunk bed at brownie camp in finzean listening to mj on my walkman at lights out time. i had the thriller album on tape, and was scared stiff listening to it! it was pretty scary if you were about 8 :)
have heard back from the western oz job people, although it is not settled. they say they want me, and the pay and conditions when i get there are fine, but they have not really offered a reasonable relocation package. part of me is thinking, just go for it anyway... but the other half is thinking i should hold out and not just jump at the first opportunity if its not quite right. opinions on this are welcomed. i like to hear what u all think.
ive attached a couple of pictures from mazey day. this is a local festival in penzance that we went to on saturday. our friends kids were in the parade so we went down to watch them and then back to theirs for a bbq later on. the sun was splitting the sky all weekend and i hear we are in for more good weather this week. yeeha!
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