Craig is currently travelling up to Exeter to pick up our friend Andy from the airport. So I thought I'd take this opportunity to update you on what has being going on in Cornwall.
Craig's infected gland (behind his ear) didn't respond to the antibiotics, but the GP has suggested another course, as it did reduce a bit. His GP rethunked his initial treatment suggestion of operating as he thought this might leave Craig's ear a bit crooked. So I remain lying awake at nights waiting to see if the boil will indeed turn into a head and begin proferring opinions.
Craig and I have been enjoying the caravan life so much (it s like so totally liberating, man) that we have agreed to take on the responsibility of looking after the chickens from the hippy farmer next door who has gone to Ibiza. Day one has got off to a flier (do chickens fly?) as one of the little beauties has disappeared and we think perhaps been munched by a fox. Its rough down here you know. Either that or he sensed amateurs were taking over and decided to make a break for it. Let's hope we manage to save at least a few for Gareth's return.
Craig's sister Angela is due to come and visit us down here before we head up to Scotland (on thw 8th of Sep now instead of the 6th). Angela bought some tickets for all of us to go and see Othello at the Minack theatre. This is a beautiful outdoor theatre built into the cliff on the southern edge of Cornwall. See picture. I don't expect I ll have a clue what's going on in the play but you can take booze with you, so as long as it is not raining I should be fine with some rum and a good view! This means that I will be having my final night in Cornwall (at least for the time being) in a very cultural way.......darling! Unlike most of the rest of my time here.
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